Exterior Paths of Travel, Service Counters and Waiting Areas
Currently this Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR) does not apply to our core business or strategic direction; however, MERIX will ensure that, from January 1, 2017, any exterior paths of travel that it constructs or redevelops, any newly constructed service counters or waiting areas and any redeveloped waiting areas meet the built requirements as contemplated in the IAS. MERIX will ensure that contractors performing such construction or redevelopment adhere to these requirements. MERIX will ensure that any newly constructed or re-developed service counters should and will have sufficient height (between 680-865 mm) and depth at least 250 mm deep below the service counter to allow people who use wheelchairs from a seated position to approach and use the counter.
Maintenance of Accessible Elements
MERIX will, from January 1, 2017, conduct preventative and emergency maintenance of the accessible parts of the above-mentioned exterior paths of travel, service counters and waiting areas and will also remediate temporary disruptions where the accessible parts of the above-mentioned exterior paths of travel, service counters and waiting areas are not in working order, as contemplated in the IAS. MERIX will ensure that contractors performing such maintenance and remediation adhere to these requirements.